Update: 2025
We retain the following Covid-19 public health guidelines to keep all visitors and staff safe:
Contactless arrival is available if required by phoning Sandra on 07733358042 for directions and pitch number.
Touch points
All taps/hook up points will be sanitised between guests.
Facilities and other touch points will be cleaned regularly with the appropriate solutions.
Please vacate your pitch by 11:30 on day of departure to allow for this.
On site
We will maintain a social distance at all times and ask our guests to follow the 2 metre social distancing rule.
There will be a bell near the house for enquiries or phone Sandra on the above number.
Our shower and toilet facilities are open and will be fully cleaned regularly. To ensure the safety of all our guests, we would ask that you ‘clean as you go’. Cleaning materials have been left in all shared areas for your use.
To help reduce interactions, there will be a one-way system is in place on the ramp to the shower block and a band system to be used on doors to indicate if the showers are occupied.
During this period, we ask that no extra visitors are invited on to the site to minimise numbers.
Contactless payment
We can offer this service either by cash in an envelope with your name on it and posted on our box. If you would prefer to make a bank transfer, please contact Sandra for details.
Our local village has been fantastic in looking after one another during the pandemic. Please help us to protect them by adhering to government guidelines when in our area.
Test and Trace (Test and Protect)
We will retain contact details of guests to pass on if required.